Inquire Today

Inquire Today

SBI Pre-Qualification

At Standard Builders, we deeply value our relationships with our trade partners.  If your firm is interested in being prequalified to work with us, please complete the enclosed form and a member of our preconstruction team will reach out to you to continue the conversation.

Company Information

Primary Contact

Personnel and Management

Please provide number of permanent company personnel:

Type of Work Performed

Geographic Areas Serviced by State

Select that apply

Competitive Market

Indicate the size of projects in which you are most competitive. Rank in preference of order

Relevant Experience

Diversity Status Information

Union Affiliations

Surety and Insurance


Do you have a documented safety policy and program?
Do you have a safety officer/department in your company?
Do you require on-site Supervisor/Foreman to have completed the OSHA 30-hour Training Course?
Are weekly jobsite safety meetings required?
Are weekly toolbox safety meetings required?
Are regular safety/housekeeping audits conducted?

Legal Issues

Are you now or have you ever been involved in any bankruptcy or reorganization proceedings?
Are there judgements, claims, or suits pending or outstanding against your company?
Have you ever received notices of environment, health, or safety violations from Regulatory agencies?
Within the last five (5) years, have you failed to complete a contract?